Cultivating Second Chair Leaders
Welcome to Cultivating Second Chair Leaders: Conversations about living out servant leadership in the second chair. This is your time to connect in community, find direction, and find freedom to focus on your identity as a Christ-like servant leader in the second chair. This podcast is made possible by KINDLE, an incarnational ministry that encourages, prepares, and supports a growing number of God’s people as they live out their baptismal calling to be Christ-like servant leaders in their congregations, homes, workplaces, communities, and the world. To learn more about the organization and support our work go to kindleservantleaders.org.
Podcasting since 2021 • 36 episodes
Cultivating Second Chair Leaders
Latest Episodes
Episode #032: Cultivating Groups Wrap Up
On this episode of “Cultivating Second Chair Leaders,” we take a look back at all of Season 4 episodes, guests and share reflections and learnings from the insight on 2nd chair leadership as well as the Cultivating group practices. Our guest, K...
Season 4
Episode 32

Episode #031: Nurture Collaboration
On this episode of “Cultivating Second Chair Leaders,” we look at the practice of Nurture Collaboration which is working together to achieve a group’s mission and vision. Today our guest is Rev. Dr. Gerard Bolling, who provides important insigh...
Season 4
Episode 31

Episode #030: Manage Anxiety and Conflict
On this episode of “Cultivating Second Chair Leaders,” we look at the practice of Manage Anxiety and Conflict, which is defined as applying Biblical means to both maintain healthy relationships and restore broken ones. Our guest, Brian Amey sha...
Season 4
Episode 30

Episode #029: Promote Communication
On this episode of “Cultivating Second Chair Leaders,” we look at the practice of Promote Communication. Today’s episode is formatted a little differently as we hear a conversation between the leadership staff of First Trinity Lutheran Church (...
Season 4
Episode 29

Episode #028: Identify Common Vision
On this episode of “Cultivating Second Chair Leaders,” we look at the practice of Identify Common Vision: Facilitate groups as they discover their common mission and vision. Our guest, Krista Young (@klyoung29), shares how regardless of c...
Season 4
Episode 28